Now that we are in the middle of our summer season, why is container gardening becoming so popular. If your soil is poor, unsuitable for gardening or needs just too much amending, this reason alone is enough to start planting in garden pots and containers. You can control the soil, particular light and heat requirements too by placing the planters where you want them.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Large Garden Pots for Bulbs

There are so many choices in planters and containers, however, for bulbs on the patio or deck, be sure to select ones that are at least 16 inches in diameter for impressive color. How deep the pots and garden planters are depends on the size and type of bulb you wish to plant. Oh yes, be sure they have drainage holes in them as well.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bulbs in Containers for the Fall
Bulbs are such fun, they are always a surprise when they come up – you plant them so far in advance that we forget what to expect. Plant your bulbs in garden planters and containers in the Fall for Spring and of course in the Spring for Fall viewing.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sunshine in a Pot

The Pacino Cola creates a wonderful abundance of brilliant 5-6 inch flowers with golden yellow petals and dark centers. These dwarf plants can be grown in a garden pot, containers, or of course in the garden. They are perfect for cutting for indoor arrangements too.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Water Planters in the Morning
Watering during the early morning on calm days is the best way to use water – there is less evaporation. During the day the water does evaporate and reduces the chance of disease and attracting insects. Water deep before the heat of the day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Plant Container Hedge
Garden plant containers and pots showcase plants and do enhance an area’s aesthetic appearance. A beautiful hedge can be created which includes many planters suitably spaced containing boxwood topiaries. They look wonderful along a driveway or against a privacy fence.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Rain Barrels & Garden Planters
Yes, they do go together. Collect rainwater to give a drink to those plant pots and containers during summer dry spells. The water is pure and you are doing a great service to the environment as well. Many municipalities have rain barrels to sell at a good price – reduces the amount of water they have to process in the treatment plant.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Drought Tolerant Plants
Monday, July 13, 2009
Why Container Gardening?

If you are limited on time and of course space, container gardening may be the way for you to go. We need to take advantage of all the great plants that we can grow in garden planters and containers. Garden Centers now have large plants ready for your pots and arrangements that you can repot into your lovely garden containers for your own unique look.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Promote Shapely New Growth
When summer peaks and our garden containers are looking full and lush, it is time to think about cutting back the plants a little. Verbena and lantana, for example, benefit from regular pinching throughout the summer. Cut back to a joint or node that has a side branch emerging to promote new growth.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Another Beautiful Garden Planter
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hot Weather Tolerant Container Plant
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Reminder – Container Watering Rules
We can never remind ourselves too often to water those garden pots and planters. The hot dry weather can do havoc in such a short time. Be sure your planters have drainage holes, only water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, water until you see water seeping out of the drainage holes and do not let the container sit in standing water.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Out of Space in Your Garden
Friday, July 3, 2009
Keeping Them Beautiful
Planters and containers dry out more quickly and need frequent watering. A little mulch or stones on the top of the soil slows down the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Pinch back the growing leggy stems to maintain attractive shape and keep plants bushy. Of course deadheading will allow flowering plants to bloom faster.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mandevilla – What a Garden Plant

This is one of the most beautiful vines with huge vivid pink or yellow blooms and bright green leaves. The Mandevilla is perfect for large garden planters and pots. Be sure to use time release fertilizer in the potting soil and you will have blooms all season long. Cut back to over winter and then fertilize again when ready to place outside in the Spring.