Take your 12” garden planter, pot or container and in a diagonal line across the planter, start planting with your Heliopsis Tuscan Sun Sunflower, then the Coleus and end with Superbells (Calibrachoa) in saffron. This is another great combination from Proven Winners.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Easiest Best Looking Container
What could be more fun than finding a very lovely flower planter, pot or container and filling it up with this year’s best seller – the Supertunia Raspberry Blast. This simple, but beautiful, monoculture 18” container is the 'little black dress' of gardening fashion. Proven Winners has many terrific arrangements to choose from.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Three Plant Container Season
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dimensional Planting with Planters
Containers themselves add beauty to the garden landscape. Create three dimensional plantings by using containers with trellis for your climbing vines, of course hanging baskets and then raising your pots and containers onto a pedestal for that look of grandeur.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Garden Container Mobility
Want to bring some color around the pool when you’re having a splash party – just gather up all your garden pots and containers – be sure to include those bright yellow and orange ones, and place them near the pool. You now have an instant focal point that is bright and attractive. Such is the wonderful mobility of container gardening.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tip for Planting Those Containers
Before you plant, use your hands or a trowel to work water into the soil in your planter, pot or container. This is very important when working with soil-less mixes containing peat moss. It is a good idea to have the roots of your plants wet before planting as well. Then thoroughly water your planters and containers for an excellent beginning.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Dealing with Garden Contamination
Would you grow vegetables in gardens that have been contaminated for some reason? One area of most concern is where creosoted ties have been used in landscaping and now you wish to grow vegetables in the same area. A temporary solution is to contain the source with heavy plastic; the other is to now consider using containers or raised beds. Control over soil conditions is essential when growing food as opposed to flowers or shrubs.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mix Herbs & Flowers Together
Yes you can – for very attractive planters and containers, even those window boxes. Mix herbs and annual flowers in with your vegetable plants. There are many varieties of veggies available just for mini gardens, such as Evergreen and Moss Curled Parsley.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Color Combination for Containers
Take a look at the accessories that you already have in place on your deck, patio or garden area. Pick up colors from your cushions, any garden art, tableware or outdoor carpeting. Use this as your basic color scheme to tie everything together such combinations such as Classic Red and White, Fairy Pinks, Desert Colors or Pastel Peach!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rocks in Your Garden Planters
Don’t fill the bottom of your planters and containers with stones, gravel or rocks unless you think you need the added weight to prevent tipping. Cover the holes in the bottom of your pot or container with mesh, gravel, paper towel or a coffee filter to prevent the soil from washing away when watering. Do you have some great tips to share?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Last Year’s Potting Soil
The best advice is to dump it in your garden or woods, only reuse if you are sure there are no disease problems left over from the previous season. You will need to fertilize more frequently the second year because many of the nutrients have been lost or used by the plants the previous season. Organic media will decrease as well, which may slow water drainage and root growth. Best advice, start with new soil each year if possible.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easily Move Your Container Garden
Achieve a very portable landscape with garden pots and containers for your home and garden. You can certainly experiment with where to place your container garden and freedom to grow different plants from season to season. Your planter garden can serve as a focal point to reduce bare spots in your landscape, on your deck or patio.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Great Possibilities for Container Gardening
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Advantages of Repotting Your Containers
Friday, April 3, 2009
Instant Beauty in Your Garden

Gardening in containers will provide instant beauty in your garden, on your deck or patio area. They are very easy to organize, whether you are on a small or large budget. Children love to have their own garden planter or pot to create their own arrangement. Have fun with colors, shapes and get to know the wonderful world of plants.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Great Garden Planter Arrangements
One of the keys to having a great planter arrangement anywhere on your deck, patio or garden is to have one of your containers dominate the cluster. Place the tallest element at the back of your composition with the smaller pots on either side. Of course, you will want to plant the larger container with something striking, like a grass or tall foliage.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Triangular Garden Planter Arrangements
Containers or garden planters always look best when planted in groups, particularly groups of three. The triangular arrangement gives your pots a very pleasing eye catching result. Do remember to place the dominant planter or garden urn in the center, surrounded by the lower ones. An artist knows what works and this arrangement can be found in all good art forms.